[Gendergap] Wikipedystka

Chris Keating chriskeatingwiki at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 07:30:29 UTC 2011

> It seems to me very kind, but not related to the ethymology nor the use of
> the words (I have not information about Polish).
> In English you have the male suffix -ian and the female suffix -ienne :
> comedienne <http://us.mg6.mail.yahoo.com/wiki/comedienne>, equestrienne<http://us.mg6.mail.yahoo.com/wiki/equestrienne>,
> tragedienne <http://us.mg6.mail.yahoo.com/wiki/tragedienne>.
> At the same time you have the suffix -ist for both gender (coming from
> -ista (Latin) and -istes (old Greek)

Though in English the gendered suffixes don't all exist, even where they
ought to. There is no such thing as a musicienne or a teamstress (or indeed
a seamster ;-) ) and even in some cases where we could use a perfectly good
Latin feminine (e.g. editrix) it never happens.

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