[Gendergap] RecentChangesCamp 2011 Boston

Laura Hale laura at fanhistory.com
Wed Feb 23 22:33:00 UTC 2011

Rambling a bit and hello.

RecentChangesCamp 2011 Boston is coming up in March.  Details can be found
at http://recentchangescamp.org/wiki/Boston .  RecentChangesCamp is a wiki
related conference that utilizes open space.  That means the attendees
basically set the agenda when they arrive. In the past, women have been
heavily involved with organizing the event.  At the most recent
RecentChangesCamp in Canberra, we had probably 25% of our participants as
women.  That's a bit above the norm for Wikimedia related projects, so we
were very happy.  Wikimedia Foundation has been tremendously supportive of
this conference in the past, by either providing funding or sending staff.

This is a great chance for people to get together and talk in small groups
about issues related to women's participation on wikis, how to increase
participation, talk about research being done on wikis as it pertains to
women's needs, to start planning for future events related to women and
wikis, and to network.

As some one involved with RecentChangesCamp in the past, I've noticed a fair
amount of leadership amongst women in organizing the conference.  This type
of involvement in the background, as an organizer, probably isn't
acknowledged or given as much as importance as editing but it can play a big
role in shaping things.  Discussing that at RecentChangesCamp, seeing how
that plays out, would also be very interesting.

twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com
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