[Gendergap] one woman's response about why she stopped editing Wikipedia

Lady of Shalott ladyofshalott.wp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 03:28:57 UTC 2011

The other day it occurred to me that a particular friend of mine could
be a great contributor to Wikipedia, and so I asked her if she ever
did. She said that she used to, and in fact started an article about a
particular topic (a particular biological taxon - I won't be more
specific at this point, but it is an extant article).  I asked her if
there was a particular reason she stopped, and her answer was,

"Yes, the last time I tried to, though admittedly that has been a few
years ago, I was unable to. I can't remember what the impediment was
but I'm basically a lazy person. If I have to jump through even one
hoop, I lose my passion."

Now perhaps she tried to edit an article protected for a very good
reason, or who knows what happened, but this event was enough to make
her stop. I imagine she's not the only person to react this way. Is
this reaction more typical of one sex than another? I have no idea. I
just thought I'd throw it into the mix of known reasons some people
don't edit Wikipedia.


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