[Foundation-l] News from Germany: White Bags and thinking about a fork

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 23 08:06:29 UTC 2011

Am 23.10.2011 08:30, schrieb Nikola Smolenski:
> On Sat, 2011-10-22 at 22:56 +0100, David Gerard wrote:
>> And, in detail, why is a hide/show all solution inadequate? What is
>> the use case this does not serve?
> Are you even trying to pretend to be serious? Use case: me reading an
> article.
> It is my impression that you are pushing for this hide/show all solution
> because you know it will be useless and thus no one will be using it.
That isn't the case. It was claimed multiple times that reading 
Wikipedia in front of bystanders can be a problem, since unwillingly 
some "disturbing" image might show up. If that is the case, then you can 
hide the images by default and enable them while you read. There were 
also thoughts to not hide the images entirely, but to blur them. So you 
will have glimpse on what it is about and could view it (remove the 
bluring) by just hovering it.

This would satisfy many typical needs and it isn't a thought to make the 
proposed feature useless. It is the result if you try to react to this 
problem without the need for categories and that wikipedians would need 
to play the censor for others.


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