[Foundation-l] Wikiwix porn ads (was: Advertising on Wikipedia)

Rodan Bury bury.rodan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 17:23:42 UTC 2011

Teofilo, this is not something you can decide on your own. The french
community formally decided to have this archive system in november 2008. See
Any change regarding this decision has to be made by the community. This
issue was raised only a few days ago, and the discussion with Linterweb has
not begun yet. There is no need to rush things.
Teofilo, ce n'est pas quelque chose que vous pouvez décider de votre propre
chef. La Communauté française a officiellement décidé d'avoir ce système
d'archivage en novembre 2008. Voir
Toute modification portant sur cette décision doit être prise par la
communauté. Cette question a été soulevée seulement il ya quelques jours, et
la discussion avec Linterweb n'a pas encore commencé. Il n'est pas
nécessaire de précipiter les choses.

Dodoïste / Rodan Bury
2011/1/25 Teofilo <teofilowiki at gmail.com>

> Aren't we going to throw these "partnerships" (?) away ? If Wikimedia
> does not have enough money to develop some services internally, then
> just forget them, instead of allowing outsiders to use Wikipedia as a
> Trojan horse containing for profit businesses or other purposes non
> compatible with the Wikipedia spirit (I mentioned Wikimapia a few days
> ago, which is fine but too slow while wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian
> language) inside.
> >
> >
> > F.-F. Duron a écrit:
> >> Yes, but maybe you can control the partnerships you're making!

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