[Foundation-l] Wikiwix porn ads (was: Advertising on Wikipedia)

Teofilo teofilowiki at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 16:43:44 UTC 2011

Aren't we going to throw these "partnerships" (?) away ? If Wikimedia
does not have enough money to develop some services internally, then
just forget them, instead of allowing outsiders to use Wikipedia as a
Trojan horse containing for profit businesses or other purposes non
compatible with the Wikipedia spirit (I mentioned Wikimapia a few days
ago, which is fine but too slow while wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian
language) inside.

2011/1/22 Platonides <platonides at gmail.com>:
> F.-F. Duron a écrit:
>> Yes, but maybe you can control the partnerships you're making!

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