[Foundation-l] Advertising on Wikipedia

Rodan Bury bury.rodan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 23:43:13 UTC 2011

Le 21 janvier 2011 23:06, Ashar Voultoiz
<hashar+wmf at free.fr<hashar%2Bwmf at free.fr>
> a écrit :

> Il y a des outils permettant de filtrer les contenus gênants (POV) pour
> les enfants / ados.  Je ne connais que FreeAngel de Free :
> http://www.free.fr/adsl/pages/informations-legales/protection-de-l-enfance/free-angel.html
> Concernant ton cas précis, je pense que le plus simple est de contacter
> l'auteur de Wikiwix pour qu'il restreigne les catégories de publicité
> affichées et/ou change de régie publicitaire.  Ca ressemble surtout à un
> coup de mal chance vu que tu as eu:
>   wikipedia -> wikiwix -> site de foot -> pub sexy  :)
> --
> Ashar Voultoiz
> 1. Wikiwix's adds are not likely to be that profitable, given the
popularity of the website. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/wikiwix.com
2. Wikiwix uses normal google ads, which can be filtered on your computer.
Wikiwix ads surely needs to be improved, given the problem you raised about
explicit ads. Florence Devouard has forwarded these mails to Wikiwix's
3. At the french Wikipedia, we are also using Internet Archive, when
possible. But its use is very impractical. Internet Archive makes backups of
the Internet irregularely and very rarely (every 6 months, or sometimes once
a year...). An incredible amount of websites are missing in Internet
Archive. Most of the archived websites have missing content, broken layout,
Wikiwix archive on the contrary is dedicated to Wikipedia, and fits our
needs as a web archive.
Yours, Rodan

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