[Foundation-l] [Fwd: [Wikitech-l] Planned 1.17 deployment on February 8]

Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il
Tue Feb 8 23:14:19 UTC 2011

2011/2/10 Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt at gmail.com>:
> On 09/02/2011, at 4:35, Guillaume Paumier <gpaumier at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Le mardi 08 février 2011 à 22:48 +0530, Bartol Flint a écrit :
>>> Is there someplace I can follow what the status is - like on twitter??
>> A public status dashboard is available at http://status.wikimedia.org
>> Technical details are automatically pushed to identi.ca and twitter:
>> http://identi.ca/wikimediatech
>> http://twitter.
> On a more general note, does the error page we display when the site goes down (for whatever reason) link to theses places? From what I remember from last time I saw that page it only links to an IRC channel. Perhaps it should refer people to the status dashboard and also link to the donation page?

See also:

Summary: A page that explains about the problem or the upgrade should
not hosted be on the same server which being upgraded and is
experiencing the problem.

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