[Foundation-l] Call for referendum

Philippe Beaudette philippe at wikimedia.org
Sun Aug 21 00:08:04 UTC 2011

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <
cimonavaro at gmail.com> wrote:

> So why announce ridiculously unrealistic timeframe between the vote
> concluding and the results being announced?
First, I disagree that it's "ridiculously unrealistic".  Vote checking has
already started and will continue throughout the polling.  Second, hindsight
is 20/20.  I'll tell you that it's a balancing act... we've gotten it right
a few times and we've gotten it wrong a few times.  It's been years since
this  type of all-projects election was held for anything but a Board of
Trustees election, and so, yeah, mistakes will be made.  But let's just wait
and see on the timeframe, shall we?  No doubt an extension will have to
happen, but.... what's the harm?  If we take a couple extra days to announce
the results, who has been harmed?


Philippe Beaudette

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