[Foundation-l] Organization on Wikipedia that deals with content

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 08:29:38 UTC 2010

Fred Bauder, 02/09/2010 20:37:
> Actually, we could routinely use twitter more, asking for input. With the
> right searchable keywords we might regularly attract both help with the
> specific problem and new editors. That could become a regular routine.
> Obviously asking for help in such a forum could also attract cranks and
> axe grinders too.

aNobii users helped me to find sources of several quotations on 
it.wikiquote. I posted requests as a "find the source" contest on 
biggest single-author groups named after authors with unsourced 
quotations, but you could also use biggest general groups (which have 
thousands of members), possibly organizing a contest with their founder, 
or send private messages to users who have books from that author. I had 
no time to try this, though.


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