[Foundation-l] Please delete mo. wikipedia

Zachary Harden zscout370 at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 3 23:56:17 UTC 2010

Greetings All,

> One of the key points that kept being reiterated in the Strategic 
> Planning process was that we have no method for "failing well". For 
> saying - we tried this, and it didn't work (I'm not saying that's the 
> case here, but I'm just using this as an example). The community 
> makes the determination to close a language version, putatively, but 
> in practical terms it's proven difficult to do. Generally it's an RfC 
> on Meta. I think the last major contentious one was the Simple 
> English Wikiquote? Once the decision is made, then it falls to the 
> developers to actually flip the switch or say the magic words, or do 
> whatever it is they do to close the project.
> Philippe

It was decided at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_closing_projects/Closure_of_Moldovan_Wikipedia to close it in 2006. Right now, Meta says the wiki is locked/frozen (like the Klingon version was) and not sure what is going to happen now.


Zachary Harden 		 	   		  

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