[Foundation-l] Removing questions about me and my role from this discussion

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sun May 9 18:02:53 UTC 2010

On 9 May 2010 18:56, Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia-inc.com> wrote:
> On 5/9/10 4:18 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> I notice you have kept "protect" and "undelete". Is that intentional?
>> If so, can you explain your thinking behind that decision?
> I just removed undelete, manage global groups, and edit membership to
> global groups.  I did that before I saw your note, so I missed
> "protect".  It's not important one way or the other.

Good man! I think we can ignore you still having the technical ability
to protect pages - I assume you don't actually intend to use it?
Hopefully we can move on now and discuss what our policy ought to be
on pornographic/non-educational images. Thanks, Jimmy!

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