[Foundation-l] Partecipation in Wikimania 2011

Mariano Cecowski marianocecowski at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Aug 12 10:59:38 UTC 2010

--- El jue 12-ago-10, Osama Khalid <osamak at gnu.org> escribió:
> Poland, Germany, Egypt, United States, Argentina and even
> Taiwan were easy for the vast majority of the Wikimedia community
I beg to disagree; getting into United states is anything but easy.
And is not that Israel won't give visas to potential attendees; in this case is the home nation of the interested ones that sets obstacles.

Additionally, the current political situation between given countries should not affect the realization of this apolitical, non-religious global conference that seeks worldwide collaboration. If anything, it should be taken as an integrating experience, such as it was for so many Wikimedians to be in Egypt, Taiwan, the Americas or Europe, getting to know people from around the globe.



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