[Foundation-l] a heads-up on Wikimedia France's adventures with the Frenc...

wiki-lists at phizz.demon.co.uk wiki-lists at phizz.demon.co.uk
Wed Sep 30 22:49:00 UTC 2009

Teofilo wrote:
> I should have said it in my previous message : the first and foremost
> priority for France, is that Government-owned museums allow visitors
> who paid their entrance ticket to carry a camera and take pictures of
> paintings and sculptures when the painters and sculptors died more
> than 70 years ago.

I was in the Loire-et-Cher region a couple of weeks back and photography 
was allowed in nearly all the locations we visited. In the places which 
did have signs up saying "No photography" no one was taking any notice 
at all, not even the staff.

In addition I had the Mairies open up the churches to record medieval 
frescoes, monuments, baptismal fonts, stained glass, paintings, stone 
carvings, etc. No problem at all. Most of them seemed genuinely pleased 
that someone was taking an interest. In a couple of places, as I was 
finishing a local dignitary would turn up to point out something I might 
have missed.

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