[Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Do we have a complete set of WMF projects?

Mike.lifeguard mike.lifeguard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 23:44:52 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

David Gerard wrote:
> Proposals I recall seeing for new projects either fit into a current
> project (e.g. Wikibooks - really, Wikipedia is a book, too)

Sorry, Wikibooks is for *textbooks* and Wikipedia is not a textbook. (We
also have a cookbook, wikijunior (kids' books) and how-tos.)
Nevertheless, a lot of proposed projects do fit at Wikibooks - on
strategywiki I found 2 or 3 just today.

Perhaps we're not doing a good enough job of advertising ourselves, or
perhaps people are not thinking their ideas through. Whatever the
reason, it seems like these proposals that already fit inside a box are
not actually being nipped in the bud with "That belongs at X project, go
do it there" and instead these people simply wallow in a netherworld
between wanting to start a project and the community having no real
capacity to evaluate proposals (including letting people know where
their project might fit into the wikis we already have).

- -Mike
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