[Foundation-l] Heads up: Usability test recruiting underway

Naoko Komura nkomura at wikimedia.org
Fri Mar 6 07:51:35 UTC 2009

One of the important components of the usability initiative is to 
conduct multiple rounds of usability tests.  The plan is to conduct at 
least three rounds of tests for qualitative usability evaluation over 
the span of twelve months, i) the initial evaluation, ii) the progress 
evaluation, and iii) the final evaluation.  The initial usability test 
is scheduled on March 24, 25th and 26th.  In-person lab tests are 
conducted in San Francisco at the first two days, and remote tests will 
be conducted on the third day.

As a preparation for the initial usability test, we incorporated the 
recruiting tool into English Wikipedia's site notice. You might have 
encountered site notice inviting for the participation. The target 
audience of testers are Wikipedia readers who have little or no 
experience in editing the Wikipedia articles.  The banner is displayed 
within the range of 1:400 to 1:100 page views, and it will continue till 
early next week. 

We look forward to learning from the usability tests and sharing the 
result with you. 


Naoko ... on behalf of the usability team.

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