[Foundation-l] advertising craigslist

Tim Landscheidt tim at tim-landscheidt.de
Thu Dec 17 19:55:10 UTC 2009

Bod Notbod <bodnotbod at gmail.com> wrote:

>> If we put a quote from Nelson Mandela there, for example, it isn't very likely that he will get any money
>> or website traffic or any quantifiable benefit from our banner.

> I'm not against the Craig banner but you do raise an interesting
> point, in that I think we could do better.

> Who would people's ideal banner person be?

> I think our aims are noble enough to attract someone truly great.

> Nelson Mandela would be amazing, wouldn't he? I think we could
> genuinely aim that high, especially if we can access him via the One
> Laptop Per Child initiative.

Apparently, he has written quite a few books that a banner
could be construed advertizing for.


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