[Foundation-l] advertising craigslist

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Tue Dec 15 22:19:07 UTC 2009

On 12/15/2009 11:20 AM, Bryan Tong Minh wrote:
> I for one have never heart of Craigslist before and I don't think I have heart
> anybody talking about it before in real life.

This may be a regional thing.

According to Alexa, Craiglist is the 11th most popular US web site, 
while Wikipedia is 7th. Compete.com's numbers, which I think are pretty 
US-centric, show Craigslist with 50m monthly users. It has also been 
popular for a relatively long time, predating Wikipedia by a number of 
years. Like Wikipedia, it gets a fair bit of media coverage not just for 
what it is, but because it has a lot of interest for journalists; 
Craiglist is frequently mentioned as major cause of declining US 
newspaper revenues because it destroyed much of the classified ads market.


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