[Foundation-l] New board members and officers

Gregory Kohs thekohser at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 19:36:40 UTC 2009

Geni said:

" Omidyar Network? They were involved with a 4 million funding round for
wikia back in 2006 no?


Appointing yet another person with wikia links looks kinda dicey no?

geni "


Matt Halprin only joined the Omidyar Network in July 2008, long after the
Omidyar money was shuttled off to Wikia, Inc.

So, it's doubtful that Matt Halprin had any close ties personally to having
made the decision to fund Wikia, Inc.; however, he is now a Partner at
Omidyar, charged with a team that "pursues investments in Social Media" (
http://www.omidyar.com/team/matt-halprin )... so, he's almost undoubtedly on
top of the Wikia return on investment, since Wikia is a Top 100 social media
website.  Being that we're all friends here, maybe Halprin could let us know
if Omidyar has yet recouped its capital outlay in Wikia?

Still, I have to agree with Geni -- it does indeed look very fishy to have a
new WMF board member who's a partner at a firm that invested some portion of
$4 million into the $14 million privately-held firm of the "Emeritus Chair"
of the WMF.  In fact, you'd be hard pressed to explain how this is just a
"coincidence", being that there were probably more than a thousand other
equally-qualified stars of social media who could have been selected, who
have not a single tie back to funding Wikia, Inc.

Gregory Kohs

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