[Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing: 1900+ copy&pasted books from Wikipedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri Aug 14 00:40:53 UTC 2009

David Goodman wrote:
> I would be exceedingly uncomfortable with us organizing a negative
> campaign against any publisher not actually violating our copyright.
> .  A factual campaign, providing information is another matter. It
> would be entirely appropriate for individuals, even in a somewhat
> coordinated way, to add a review, just pointing out that it is
> entirely a copy of a Wikipedia article, and available free in  an
> updated version from our website--and in updated form.

It may still be violating moral rights, which are a part of the 
copyright law even though no penalties are provided.  There could also 
be a case for fraudulent misrepresentation. 

Another alternative might be for Wikimedians to put together a company 
that would sell similar books to the public at cost, perhaps on a print 
on demand basis so as to get the latest versions.  Article selection 
might be the same, and they could even use identical titles for each 
book, but there would be no deception about where the material comes from.


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