[Foundation-l] GFDL 1.3 Release

Bryan Tong Minh bryan.tongminh at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 13:26:05 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 2:08 PM,  <psychoslave at culture-libre.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 1:49 PM, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 2)It's taken years to get the FSF to agree to let us get around one
>>> set of compatibility problems. Switching to FAL means we may end up in
>>> the same situation with a different organisation
>> Not to mention the uncertainty that arises from the lack of an
>> aggregration clause in the FAL.
>> Bryan
> What do you mean by "aggregration clause", I fail to understand ? Could
> you tell it with other words, please ?
The aggregration clause is a clause in the GFDL that allows you to
combine both GFDL and non-GFDL work into one aggregration. We rely on
this clause to embed non-GFDL images in GFDL text.

The FAL does unlike the GFDL and CC licenses not contain such a clause
and it is undetermined whether you can legally use FAL work in
combination with GFDL or CC licensed work. (AFAIK, IANAL)


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