[Foundation-l] SUL homewiki selection question

Anon Sricharoenchai anon.hui at gmail.com
Fri May 30 05:37:49 UTC 2008

>  2. Currently it seems anyone cannot combine their accounts if one of
>  them is blocked. I think it may cause some troubles (this year people
>  can vote even if they have a blocked account, if they have a valid
>  voting-eligible one on another wiki). Is it possible to change the
>  current setting and allow them to unify their accounts?

in function chooseHomeWiki( $migrationSet ),
why not check for blocked account like this?,

        $maxEdits = -1;
        $homeWiki = null;
        foreach( $workingSet as $wiki => $local ) {
            if( $local['editCount'] > $maxEdits && !$local['blocked'])
{ # <-- added code here
                $homeWiki = $wiki;
                $maxEdits = $local['editCount'];

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