[Foundation-l] LA Times article / Advertising in Wikipedia

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Mon Mar 17 23:12:32 UTC 2008

Dan Rosenthal wrote:
> Interesting poll, though on advertising the question is completely  
> loaded (to the point of being unusable IMHO).
> Helping African kids
> Improving site speed
> improving content
> all of the above, YES
> No, none of these things are worth it.
> Look at the question. It's clearly guiding users towards one of the  
> first 4 answers, with the "YES" qualifier to all of the above. And  
> also, it's discouraging to have an answer saying "No, african kids  
> aren't worth it", implying one should feel guilt for selecting that  
> answer.
> I love the idea for facebook polls,  but I think the questions need to  
> be a little better written before they can be useful to us.

Absolutely.  I was just winging it for fun.

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