[Foundation-l] Volunteer Council - A shot for a resolution

Yaroslav M. Blanter putevod at mccme.ru
Thu Mar 13 12:17:26 UTC 2008

> Yaroslav M. Blanter wrote:
>>> I would not laugh. I would cry. Because it would mean that we have been
>>> unable to get a full representivity. As I stated before, it is imho
>>> very
>>> important to have a full coverage from all corners of the volunteers.
>>> It
>>> may
>>> be obvious that I do not see internal-l as "all volunteers", so it is
>>> indeed
>>> important to have a significant portion of members from the
>>> non-internal-l.
>> Should not we first define on what the full representivity means? All
>> big
>> projects? Different languages? Different roles in the home projects?
>> Different types of the projects: wp vs ws vs wn etc? One way (possibly
>> not
>> the best one) of dealing with this would be to reserve, you know, one
>> place for smaller wp's, one place for wn representatives etc. Another
>> way
>> would be just to let people elect they want to elect, but then we should
>> not be surprised if after all all council members are native English
>> speakers and are active in en.wp as their home project.
>> Cheers,
>> Yaroslav
> Oscar, Frieda, and myself being crystal clear examples of the inability
> of the community to choose representatives others than native english
> speakers:-)
> The more I think about it, the less it seems wise to make an attempt for
> linguistic representativity. It may even have detrimental effects to do
> so.
> I think it would be wiser make possible project representativity.
> Ant

That's actually not my main point. It is clear anyway that it is
impossible to find a representative of every project, or even of an every
BIG project.  The point is that if we do not make special efforts, many
big projects are not going to be represented in any sense. Continuning my
analogy with the parlament I drew in the previous message, in some
countries (not in France afaik) there are two houses of the legislative
body, one elected from the "one person - one vote" system, another one
taking the votes from the administrative bodies/minority groups whatever
NOT equally distributed among the population. I think the point of
representation have been raised on this list a countless number of times,
and it indeed deserves some special attention.

This might be though that at the talk page Milos mentioned all these
issues have already been discussed. I will need to read it through first.


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