[Foundation-l] What is on the back of the logo?

Oldak Quill oldakquill at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 14:47:20 UTC 2008

2008/7/22 Ting Chen <Wing.Philopp at gmx.de>:
>> My guess is that there will be no « official » answer to your
>> question, simply because there is nothing on the back. Either « be
>> bold » or look at
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimania_2007_Wikiball
> Yeah, this is the backside of the Taiwan-ball:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:MR_Wikimania_1-07.jpg
> The project logos are on the northpol and the sponsor-logos on the south. I still think the project logos would be nice. :-P Some other suggestion?
> Ting

Wouldn't it be better to continue symbols from different alphabets
around the surface of the sphere? It might be good for the community
to come up with or approve a complete 3D version of the Wikipedia
globe. We can produce a 3D prototype using CAD software.

As to which symbols: does the logo at present lack symbols from any
major alphabet? It might be a good opportunity to make our logo better
represent the communities Wikipedia includes.

Oldak Quill (oldakquill at gmail.com)

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