[Foundation-l] WMF/EFF and Copyright extension

daniwo59 at aol.com daniwo59 at aol.com
Wed Feb 20 22:16:06 UTC 2008

In a message dated 2/20/2008 4:57:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
brian.mcneil at wikinewsie.org writes:

You need  to look up who wrote these songs, and when they died. You can, with
a fair  degree of certainty, say that anything written during the 20th
century  won't be available to us. If it was written more than a hundred
years ago  you're starting to look at it being available to us in the near
future, but  that's where the performer's (c) comes in and the proposed
legislation  impacts us.

Long Way to Tipperary was cowritten by Jack Judge, who died in 1938, and  
Harry Williams who died in 1922. If it were solely Williams, the song would have  
entered the public domain in 2017, i.e., nine years from now. On the other 
hand,  Vera Lynn, who recorded it in 1939, is still alive today. In other words, 
 not in the lifetime of anyone actually reading this email.

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