[Foundation-l] Nominating Committee

Michael Snow wikipedia at verizon.net
Fri Aug 1 05:42:56 UTC 2008

Michael Snow wrote:
> As you know, we recently announced a restructuring of the Board of 
> Trustees, which added two new avenues for selecting board members. One 
> of these is the two seats to be selected by the chapters; the other is 
> the use of a Nominating Committee to assist the community 
> representatives in identifying needed expertise to fill out the board.
> If you are 
> interested in helping us by serving on the Nominating Committee, please 
> send a note to me, or Sue, or any board member. We would like to hear 
> from anyone who has the time and the interest to participate, and 
> especially if you have any experience in non-profit management or 
> governance, or in hiring. If you're interested, please let us know 
> within the next week.
(Edited because it was a long post, and it would have been easy to miss 
the instructions for what to do at the end. Although if you're 
interested, please do look over the full message I sent initially.)

Thanks to those who have expressed interest in being on the Nominating 
Committee, I appreciate their willingness to help. The volunteers so far 
already give us strong community members who could fill out the 
committee well, but this is a last call in case someone is interested 
who hasn't contacted us yet. We'll probably be ready to announce the 
full committee next week.

--Michael Snow

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