[Foundation-l] Board-announcement: Board Restructuring

Ilario Valdelli valdelli at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 22:42:28 UTC 2008

IMHO the problem is here focused.

We imagine the experts like Christus which comes and start a revolution.

The question is: are they so expert to make a change in the environment 
where they will work?

I have already said some years ago that the communities choose their 
leaders (non the wikipedia community but a community in general), when 
communities are driven by other persons which are not the leaders, we 
have a manifest organigram and a different concealed organigram. With 
this condition frictions, disputes and bad feelings start.

The elections of the communities assure that the leaders are represented 
and the two organigrams are partially overlapped.

In this new restructure the two organigrams are badly overlapped. 
Putting experts in a complex environment like Wikipedia's communities 
it's a risk not for Wikimedia projects, but for themselves because they 
could not have the power to introduce a "new deal".


Delirium wrote:
> Well, there are two types of external candidates who have been suggested 
> at various points: 1) people with strong credentials related to our 
> mission, but not specifically in Wikimedia projects, such as Eben 
> Moglen, Lawrence Lessig, etc.; and 2) people with experience in 
> non-profit administration and management, but not related to our mission.

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