[Foundation-l] Board-announcement: Board Restructuring

Seth Finkelstein sethf at sethf.com
Tue Apr 29 05:07:54 UTC 2008

> On Mon Apr 28 22:54:41 UTC 2008 David Gerard wrote
> Indeed it does. With signatories like Seth Finkelstein ...

	A true ad-hominem argument.

	My apologies to the organizers. If I had thought ahead enough
to realize that my spur-of-the-moment action might be used by the
Wikimedia Foundation's UK press contact to discredit the petition, I
wouldn't have signed it (I'm bad at politics). I'd un-sign if that
would help anything, but I suppose the damage is done now.

"A Man Can't Be Too Careful What He Signs These Days" [Stan Freberg]
(Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin, about the Declaration of Independence)
J: Come on and put your name on the dotted line.
F: I got to be particular what I sign.
J: It's just a piece of paper.
F: Just a piece of paper, that's what you say.
J: Come on and put your signature on the list.
F: It looks to have a very subversive twist.
J: How silly to assume it; won't you "nom de plume" it today?
J: You're so skittish -- who possibly could care if you do?
F: The Un-British Activities Committee, that's who!

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  http://sethf.com
Infothought blog - http://sethf.com/infothought/blog/
Interview: http://sethf.com/essays/major/greplaw-interview.php

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