[Foundation-l] When is a Wikipedia not a Wikipedia ?

Pharos pharosofalexandria at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 05:07:53 UTC 2008

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 6:46 AM, Gerard Meijssen
<gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
>  What the Alemannic community has decided is to fold all the projects into
>  their Wikipedia and have separate name spaces for the content of their old
>  projects.  Their communities seem to have
>  decided<http://draft.blogger.com/:als:Wikipedia:Treffen_der_Wikipedianer/Sommertreffen_2007/Protokoll#Andri_alemannischi_Proj.C3.A4kt>on
>  this, they want their name spaces now or they will move all their
>  content
>  into the Wikipedia name space.

This is actually my "secret plan" for the opening up of Wikipedia, and
the solving of the notability issue.

The idea is, with projects reclassified as namespaces on Wikipedia, it
is relatively easy to create a variety of new projects with different
standards, appropriate to different realms of knowledge.

So one namespace is for a 'Dictionary of Allusion', i.e. "X in popular
culture".  Another is for edited bibliographies of books and articles
for every conceivable subject.  Another is for certain topics covered
in primary, but not secondary sources, etc.

But the thing is, these "different realms of knowledge" don't
contaminate the mainspace, the "encyclopedia".

I'll call it the 'Namespace Solution'.  Someday, my friends :)


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