[Foundation-l] Ancient

Dovi Jacobs dovijacobs at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 13 08:59:41 UTC 2008

>"Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
>sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment." The best way to inform is by
>using the mother tongue of people.

Mother tongues are the best, but providing information in one of
the great classical languages of Western civilization is also
a lovely idea for sharing the "sum of all knowledge." Probably 
more useful than a few of the current European languages that 
are hardly spoken as first languages anymore (not that I have
any objection to those either).

You do not need "native speakers" (mother tongue) to set up a
project. I had the pleasure of getting the Hebrew Wikisource
up and running, currently with many active contributors
and over 4,000 texts. Hebrew is not my "native" (mother) tongue
but I can contribute on a professional level. Same might be
said for contributors in many languages. What you need are
active, competent contributors, not native speakers or "mother"

Gerard, you repeat your arguments about neologisms at length,
adding nothing new, and then conclude:

>The arguments the language committee uses are clear. They are published and
>they are objective. You may not like them, but they are the arguments we
>use. When people have issues, the arguments have to be convincing to make a

No, Gerard. Your arguments are indeed published, but they are
not objective. It is *you* who have to convince the community
at large that your arguments are correct.

>We use the ISO-639-3 as a reference. You are
>welcome to apply for a label for reconstructed Old Greek.

No need, "grc" will do just fine!

I would like to add that I have no personal interest whatsoever
in grc.wikipedia.org (my Greek is rudimentary). But I do have great
respect for the fine contributions by others that I saw. And
I think that the way the arguments have been made and the process
has been handled need improvement.

I again repeat my request for information about the language
committee. I would like to see more voices and greater diversity
of opinion on it. How is its membership determined?


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