[Foundation-l] Allow new wikis in extinct languages?

Marcus Buck me at marcusbuck.org
Fri Apr 11 23:59:12 UTC 2008

Crazy Lover hett schreven:
> perhaps, the ancient greek wikipedia proposers,
> specially Leigh, are interesting in translate the
> interface of Google, there is a translation in latin,
> and Why not in ancient greek? if there is translations
> in absurd "languages" like "Elmer Fudd", "Hacker",
> etc. there is not reason to denied one in ancient
> greek.
> you can sign up, as translators, in:
> https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=transconsole&passive=true&nui=1&continue=http%3A%2F%2F
I wanted to submit a translation some time ago, but they said, they 
don't accept additional translations at the moment... People are 
messaging Google "Hey, hello big billion dollar company, you can get 
localization, for free! Just take it! You don't have to pay a dollar!" 
and they say no! Wtf is wrong with them?! It was no Elmer Fudd, it was a 
real language! But that seem's to be the current state...

Marcus Buck

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