[Foundation-l] Creative Commons CC-BY-SA Draft Statement of Intent

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 10:20:37 UTC 2008

Absolutely, you are completely right that when using "share alike" licensed
material you have to play by its rules. No mistake there. Let there also be
no mistake that this *is *a restrictive practice and where you state that
there is an ongoing argument about the use in academic papers, you
implicitly agree that the use of "share alike" material is prevented for
many academic papers.

I do know about the existence of CC-by. I am grateful that there is a lot of
material that cannot be copyrighted anyway. I am equally grateful that this
is the kind of material that has most of my interest.

PS by saying "our rules" you either intentionally exclude or intentionally
include. When we discuss the merits of licenses there is no need for either.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 12:09 PM, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 06/04/2008, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hoi,
> >  When you insist on the enforcement of "share alike" in the strongest
> >  possible way, you prevent mashing and collaboration.
> You prevent no such thing. You are free to colaberate as long as you
> only use free material.
> > You prevent the use of
> >  material in academic papers.
> Nope. Academic papers could be released under free licenses (there is
> currently an ongoing argument over the matter.
> >In this way the medicine that are free and open
> >  licenses is as bad as what it is to cure; restrictive licenses and
> >  restrictive practices.
> CC-BY is exists if you don't want SA.
> >  Obviously it is a choice, it may even be your choice but you *are
> *replacing
> >  restrictive practices with restrictive practices..
> The idea is that by using strong copy left you are saying that if you
> want to play our game you play by our rules.
> --
> geni
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