[Foundation-l] Wikizine - Special edition

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Wed Sep 19 17:38:49 UTC 2007

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Year: 2007  Week: 38 Special edition


An independent internal news bulletin
for the members of the Wikimedia community


=== Request for help ===

Dear readers,

Almost two years ago I started with Wikizine. The very first message  
send out about it was also a "special edition". That was to present  
Wikizine, what it was all about.


This one now is not to explain what Wikizine is.

Wikizine is not totally unsuccessful. The number of readers has only  
go up since its existence, slowly yes, but up nevertheless. The rare  
feedback has been positive.

It was my intention to create a platform with Wikizine to bring  
together the most relevant information, news, from all Wikimedia  
projects and languages. I felt, and still do, that there is a need for  

I hoped that after some time a network of reporters of the various  
wikis, languages, projects, would form who could bring there news to  
the larger community by means of Wikizine. And also that the would  
people step up to join me in creating Wikizine.

This largely did not happened. In the last two years some people have  
volunteered and helped with making Wikizine. But that where far to  
few, who did  not a lot and only for a to short time to have any real  

Wikizine was and is still a one man show.  I have made all editions  
until now of Wikizine. I can not continue like this. It has become  
more difficult with every edition for me to bring myself to get the  
next one ready. The time it was fun is long gone. The frequency of the  
editions has become more and more erratic. And the quality is falling.

I need people who are willing to work substantially on Wikizine. And  
not only today but on the long term. Finding news, writing it in the  
draft; constructing Wikizine. If you like to help please contact me;  
walter AT wikizine.org

Request for help for Wikizine has been send out before, only not so  
explicit like now. This is also the first time I send it to  
non-Wikizine channels.

The responds the previous times was always nearly zero. I do not  
expect anything else this time. Surprise me.

Walter Vermeir

The editor-founder of Wikizine

Editor(s): Walter
Contact: reply or http://report.wikizine.org
Website: http://www.wikizine.org

Wikizine.org makes no guarantee of accuracy,
validity and especially but not limited to,
correct grammar and spelling.
Wikizine.org is published by [[meta:user:Walter]],
and is not a publication of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikizine is a weekly publication as long as there is noteworthy news  
(and time)
Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.

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