[Foundation-l] two links

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 14 23:27:05 UTC 2007


Sorry to disturb discussions on Wikimania, I just wanted to point to two 
links of documents I read in the past few days.

The first was mentionned to me by one of the co-author of the book.
I think it is very interesting to read. I actually learned a lot, and 
some of it is MUCH more informed than the Wikipedia articles (see for 
example the pages related to philosophy of education in the wikibooks 
and on the english wikipedia).
It is a collection of essays written by students, under the benevolent 
dictatorship of their teachers. Some is really of good quality.
On the other hand, I found quite "light" the pages dedicated to 
"technology and education". One may perceive quite well that there is 
very little documentation and litterature on the topic (so the students 
did not always knew what to say). It is quite amuzing to see that 2 
amongst 4 basically only mention Word, Excel and Powerpoint as 
"technologies that might be use in education". I push the point a bit 
far, but hardly :-)

The second is on wikiversity. It is actually a feature course, which is 
why I found it...
It is very very very cool stuff.

That's all folks :-)


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