[Foundation-l] Google Analytics test [offtopic]

Andrew Whitworth wknight8111 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 2 23:41:19 UTC 2007

>We already have some basic tools that count top viewed pages. There
>are active improvements happening for that kind of reporting: I just
>checked in some more pagecounter aggregation code into SVN an hour or
>so ago.

I guess maybe they arent well advertised. Several wikibookians have been out looking for existing solutions, none with positive results. We found the one page counter that was being tested for wikipedia, but when we asked for the counter to be extended to wikibooks, we got no reply. 

>What do you want, exactly?  I know google analytics offers a lot but
>I'm guessing that your primary interests can be satisfied with far
>I'm assuming you want more than just page request counting?

Google Analytics is overkill. All we want are page hit counts.  The bugzilla request i showed in my previous post was a request for that very thing that was ended as WONTFIX. Like most other people, when I see that tag I say to myself "Okay, no sense barking up that tree anymore". In the case of wikibooks, we could probably even be happy with per-book counts (if that metric is somehow easier to calculate). All we want is some kind of method to quantify readership on a per-book basis. In lieu of an actual "count", a simple relational metric such as "more" or "less" would suffice. We aren't looking for anything fancy.

--Andrew Whitworth

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