No subject
Tue Nov 27 09:44:25 UTC 2007
composition changed to be more wikimedia"
the typical corporate handlement will be handled by the pros
and the wikimedians will shrug and accept
however the wikimedian majority will get in the way of the pros trying to
ruin wikimedia
that way, we could have a minority of experienced board members, and it
could help
someone relay my words of wisdom to the mailing list
On Dec 16, 2007 10:24 PM, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at> wrote:
> I have a lot of thoughts about the advisory board, and how little they
> seem to have done for us. The whole concept of appointing big names
> seems more like payoff and less like wisdom as time goes on. Finding
> good people with the right interests, skills, and without huge
> conflicts of interest is just hard no matter how you cut it.. At least
> when you pull from the community you are sure to get people who love
> and understand the internals of the projects. Your vision of simply
> keeping a majority is simply a good one, and it's the only thing that
> gives me hope. There *are* many good outsiders we can choose from to
> fill the balance, but it will take time and introspection to make the
> right decisions.
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