[Foundation-l] OLPC Khairat Chronicle

Samuel Klein sj at laptop.org
Fri Nov 2 10:50:45 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, Brianna Laugher wrote:

> Wow, reading those stories is really incredible! Great reports with
> heaps of photos too.
> Out of interest Inkscape recently added/will soon add a "publish to
> Open Clipart" function right in the software.

Very neat.  Where was this discussed?  I wonder how OC is going to deal 
with the new flux of less-filtered input.

> As for Commons, I think there is a big gap in many ways... but it
> could be madly cool to see the photos and videos and music potentially
> published somewhere. An OLPC server?

The easiest thing to do is probably post to a separate [OLPC] server, 
which can itself have a variety of "publish to [other repository]" links 
from every media page... the people visiting that server to filter 
incoming media would be quite different from the communities of teachers 
and children producing the original works, would be sympathetic to the 
source communities and know the curation policies for potential target 
sites, &c.

Thinking about this, I wonder what other pools of contributors of free 
content are currently being shut out from our favorite sites when really 
we would all be happier with a decent holding area while their input gets 
sorted.  As the world transitions from having little free content of any 
sort to having to decide "where should this piece of free content go?", 
the value of intermediary services, and of tools that let you create once 
and publish {everywhere appropriate}, will grow.

sj at laptop.org

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