[Foundation-l] Following the conventions: seperating Wikisource

Tim Starling tstarling at wikimedia.org
Tue Jun 5 01:54:34 UTC 2007

Mohamed Magdy wrote:
> The issue:
> http://wikisource.org is supposed to be a portal, a portal with links to 
> the different versions of the project. just like all the other projects, 
> the main domain a portal..the sub-domains contains the different 
> versions..except for the multilingual projects (commons + meta) which 
> don't have any sub-domains and have their main pages in English as 
> default and main pages in many other languages. so commons.wikimedia.org 
> or meta.wikimedia.org are considered to be the 'portals' or better..they 
> don't have portals (all content on one wiki) or there are no 
> metawiki.org or commonswiki.org so they don't have a portal and that is 
> of course made intentionally (they don't need that ball surrounded by 
> languages)..

We've generally considered this to be a matter for the Wikisource
community to decide. The reason Wikisource was not split into subdomains
at the same time as the other projects, and the reason there remains a
"central" Wikisource, is because that's how they voted.

-- Tim Starling

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