[Foundation-l] Sigh, problems with non-Latin usernames again

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 11:30:10 UTC 2007

Delirium schreef:
> Gerard Meijssen wrote:
>> Delirium schreef:
>>> Anders Wegge Jakobsen wrote:
>>>>  Tough for you then. Grow up and learn coping with the globalized
>>>> world.
>>> But this is directly contrary to the spirit of Wikipedia, which is to 
>>> give everyone knowledge in *their own language*.  A user of [language x] 
>>> should only have to be familiar with [language x] in order to contribute 
>>> to their local Wikipedia, not also familiar with all other languages.  
>>> Usually English is the worst offender in this regard (people should 
>>> *not* have to know English, or even necessarily be familiar with Latin 
>>> script, in order to contribute to a non-English Wikipedia), but it's no 
>>> better when it goes the other way either.
>>> -Mark
>> Hoi,
>> With people using their own script for their user name, it does not 
>> detract a thing from the information being in English on the English 
>> language Wikipedia.
> No, but it detracts from people who only speak English being able to 
> productively work on the English-language Wikipedia.
> I see this as pretty much common courtesy.  I currently use a 
> Latin-alphabet name on the Greek Wikipedia, because I wasn't really 
> thinking much when I chose it.  In retrospect, I should have chosen a 
> Greek-alphabet name.  I'll probably keep my current name via inertia if 
> nobody complains, but if it did cause problems for a significant portion 
> of the community, and they asked me to change it to a Greek-alphabet 
> name, I would of course do so.  Why wouldn't I?  What possible 
> justification would there be for forcing a foreign script upon them?  
> Would it really be defensible to be a jackass and tell them, "Tough for 
> you then. Grow up and learn coping with the globalized world."?
> -Mark
Using words like jackass in this contexts implies calling those who do 
not agree with you being a jackass.

I prefer to being called a jackass by you than considering my behaviour 
to be discriminatory by myself.

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