[Foundation-l] This is not an Advertisement @ pgunn

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 08:24:56 UTC 2007

2007/1/2, Kat Walsh <kwalsh at wikimedia.org>:

> In addition, the sitenotice drew enough attention to the pledge to
> match and the banner that it encouraged more people to donate, soundly
> beating the donation totals of the immediately surrounding days. (Not
> counting the large entry from our anonymous friend the day before,
> well over double.) And now the logo is gone; when the fund drive is
> over the banner will be gone also, and we will be left exactly as we
> were, with the freedom and neutrality of the projects unharmed. And
> that is what I am concerned about.

No, it won't go on exactly as before. Before it was said that there would
never be advertisements on Wikipedia projects. I did not see the necessity
for it, but I agreed with the policy, because people had made it clear that
would leave if that would ever happen - hell, the es: split happened for
nothing more than remarks that some people interpreted to mean that there
might be advertisements in the future. Now there HAVE been advertisements on
Wikipedia and the other projects. That surely is a different situation.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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