[Foundation-l] Clearing up Wikimedia's media licensing policies

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 12:23:58 UTC 2007

On 08/02/07, Piero <pierogra at libero.it> wrote:
> Moreover considering that images with permission are checked to assure
> that they are used only for allowed case (through OTRS), and fair use
> images are not.

No, that is not how OTRS permissions work. OTRS checks that the
copyright-holder has released the media under a free license, not that
limited-permission media are being used in those limited ways. 'Images
with permission', if you mean Wikipedia-only permission images, would
these days be told 'sorry, that's not free enough'.

I thin IT.wp just needs to accept this announcement. Wailing about it
is not going to make any progress. (And no I'm not a fair use
apologist. I think we should abolish all fair use, too...)


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