[Foundation-l] Is popularity a good thing for us?

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 15:33:45 UTC 2007

On 17/12/2007, Marco Chiesa <chiesa.marco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thomas Dalton ha scritto:
> >
> >
> > It's an excellent point. I thought about it a few months ago and
> > considered proposing a new policy banning anything under a week old
> > from being included in Wikipedia articles (actually, it was a little
> > more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it). It would help
> > Wikinews, and would also reduce the number of articles which are a
> > succession of "As June 2006 ..." paragraphs. Current events are not
> > encyclopaedic and it's impossible to write a good encyclopaedia
> > article as soon as something happens, since all the required sources
> > haven't been written yet (you have a handful of newspaper articles
> > which you can simply rewrite and that's it). I ended up not proposing
> > it because I didn't think I was enthusiastic enough about it to
> > survive the torture of trying to get it approved. Anyone think it's
> > worth a shot?
> >
> >
> You are absolutely wrong here. Such a policy exists. On the Italian
> Wikipedia, we do not accept articles on things happened less than 2
> weeks ago. Each project has different policies, and this is NOT the
> place where policies about a SINGLE project should be discussed. If you
> want to compare policies it's probably ok, but for your own policies go
> to your own mailing lists, please.

I don't see how that makes me wrong, just uninformed about a
particular project. The idea is relevant to any Wikipedia, not just
the English. The fact that one project already has such a policy just
reinforces the idea. If the English Wikipedia is an exception and
almost all the others already have such a policy, then you may have a
point, but as far as I know, that is not the case.

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