[Foundation-l] Blogs vs. Wikis

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Apr 15 23:07:57 UTC 2007

Yann Forget wrote:

>geni a écrit :
>>Do you have the cash to take say The Royal Society or The British
>>library to court?
>Well, it is obviously a problem, but I think it can be done the other
>way round.
>1. Publish some documents on which an organisation has a dubious claim.
>2. Inform the organisation.
>3. If the organisation doesn't answer, be sure that the issue gets to
>the media.
>If the organisation doesn't sue you, I think it can safely be assumed
>that the claim is not valid.
Yes and no.  This should really apply for organizations who do have a 
reasonable but insettled claim.  If the claim is so dubious it should be 
up to the claimant to initiate action.

If they fail to answer I don't think we need to bother with the media, 
nor does it imply that the claim is immediately invalid.  If your intent 
to republish under a free licence has been made perfectly clear when you 
write to them it may set in motion an implicit permission to so use it 
under the doctine of laches.


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