[Foundation-l] Clickable images

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 08:40:39 UTC 2006

Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On 9/9/06, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> Thank you for selective snipping, in this way a solution to your long
>> argument was removed. To recapitulate, we can have options for under the
>> left mouse click. Think solutions please.
> If you make clicking on the image do the expected thing for navigation
> uses, then you obscure the attribution.  Hiding the attribution behind
> an abnormal procedure would be a failure to provide attribution,
> hiding the navigational use behind an abnormal procedure would fail to
> aid navigation.  I did address this directly in my reply.
If the current way of providing attribution does not work because of a 
need to be innovative than we need to change our way in which we 
attribute. Currently we do attribute by having a "click through" to the 
image page. We could have in a similar way as we currently do the 
citations have footnotes with pictures. These footnotes would consist of 
a name and a license identification and a link to the image page. I 
would even be in favour of having a separate tab with the citations 
because both citations and other comments detract from reading the article.
> Further, it would be quite infuriating and not at all user friendly
> for Wikipedia to further override the browsers normal behavior.
> (making right click, or modifier-click (recall not all computers have
> two mouse buttons) do something other than bring up the browsers
> menu)...  Not to mention the accessibility problems, and browser
> compatibility issues.
Why would it infuriate you? There are many applications that support 
these kind of things. Denying this is equally infuriating because it 
prevents you in thinking what you can do. Browser compatibility .. sure 
they are .. one of the best things about the automatic update procedures 
of Firefox and Internet Exlorer is that they replace the old versions 
and thereby remove the need to support many old incompatible browsers. 
People that do not have a mouse or have a text only browser have a big 
problem on the web. Our software could do much better in supporting the 
visually impaired if we spend effort in doing so. Preventing the use of 
pictures as a navigational aid is not the best way, it is ducking that 
> Some time back (http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2006-May/035663.html)
> I'd proposed we simply create a new type of image tag such as:
> [[Imagelink:Foo.jpg|100px|Foo page]]
> Here is an example of what such a tag would look like:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gmaxwell/example
I had a look, I think it is an effort but I think it clutters the total 
image of the page up. I would prefer to use part of what you have done 
there and link it to a footnote. Oh, and nobody having implemented it 
when you proposed something ? That is the norm not the exception.


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