[Foundation-l] Fight for Freedom of Geographic Data - how can Wikimedia help?

Łukasz Garczewski tor at oak.pl
Tue Feb 21 12:05:36 UTC 2006

Jakob Voss wrote:
> Hi,
> There is an oportunity - no: necessity - for active lobbying for Free
>  Knowledge in the European Union. The Proposed European Commission 
> Directive on European Spatial Data Infrastucture (INSPIRE) is 
> endangered to put more intellectual property rights on geographica 
> data in the European union.
> See http://publicgeodata.org/WhatIsInspire and 
> http://space.frot.org/docs/inspire_directive.html
> Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia chapters and Wikipedians obvoiously 
> should be interested in changing the European Directive to free 
> Geographic Data.
> Any suggestions? I'm still searching for an occasion and easy example
> [2] to convince your grandma, get into the media etc.

I will look into this and possibly try to contact the right people here
in Poland. Since we already have one win in this field, maybe we could
follow up on that. Who knows, maybe we'll all have a chance to say 
"Thank you Poland" once again. ;)

And yes, simple and convincing examples would be a huge help. Perhaps we 
could work on those on meta?

Łukasz 'TOR' Garczewski

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