[Foundation-l] Wikipedia merchandise

Ben Yates bluephonic at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 05:38:13 UTC 2006

The prices are a bit high, but plot prints look reeeeeally good. 
Maybe we could transfer the designs to Cafepress, but keep them on
spreadshirt as well, with a notice next to the cafepress entries that
higher quality versions are available.  (I'll head over to that meta
link and stop clogging up the mailing list now.)

On 2/17/06, Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Ben Yates <bluephonic at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi -- I've made a new store for wikipedia, and come up with a few new
> > shirt designs.  I posted this on WikiEN-L  and was told to bring it
> > here, so I'll copy that message:
> Great designs! I like the swoosh-like W. However, the base prices are a bit eye-popping; I thought
> the base prices of CafePress were high.
> > The store is at https://www.spreadshirt.com/shop.php?sid=21410 -- let
> > me know what you think (though for god's sake don't buy anything from
> > it yet; nobody but the hosting/shirtmaking company will get any
> > money).
> >
> > I didn't use any of the current logos, mostly because I couldn't see
> > myself wearing them; instead, threw together a new vector design (in
> > any case, wikipedia's logo is too detailed to be plot printed).  I was
> > wondering where to go from here -- who to contact, whether the new
> > store should be Official or if I should run it on my own, and give
> > wikimedia some or all of the profits (and how to go about that).
> I'd rather simply create a new section of the CafePress store that had your and similar designs.
> We will need to work out the copyright and trademark issues though. Right now we have a policy
> that all CafePress designs need to have their copyright owned by the foundation. And, of course,
> the Foundation already has a trademark on the term 'Wikipedia.'
> > I do also have some ideas for bumper stickers and such (spreadshirt
> > only does shirts); I was told Maveric runs the english-language
> > wikipedia cafepress store, but wasn't able to find a user of that
> > name.
> Maveric149 - What, you never heard of me? I need to edit more often. :) Please add more ideas
> here:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_ideas/Cafe_Press
> -- mav
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Ben Yates
Wikipedia blog - http://wikip.blogspot.com

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