[Foundation-l] Fundraising update

Andrew Gray shimgray at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 22:32:53 UTC 2006

On 17/12/06, Bence Damokos <bdamokos at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think having the current status display display in local currency at least
> for currencies, in which you can donate might boost the donations coming
> from that local wiki (eg. Euros in de,it,fr, wiki, CZK in cswiki, HUF in
> huwiki...)

Difficult and finicky to do, though, and doesn't deal with things like

may be worth glancing at, incidentally; it's educational how many
edits to some projects come from outside the "obvious" national area.
It doesn't translate perfectly into readership, of course, but there
are some surprising implications there - half of all edits to rowiki
seem to come from outside Romania, for example.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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