[Foundation-l] Re: board elections

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Sun May 1 19:56:02 UTC 2005

On 5/1/05, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Each person individually must be good at something useful.
> Each person individually must feel motivated to do precisely what he is
> good at doing.
> At least one person of the team must be able to take care of an
> absolutely required task (while keeping that number low).

I find it excellent that Danny and others have volunteered to do the
work, and the more I see *us* working and the more I analyze in my own
little way the way we work, I support this point of view. In a
volunteer-based community, there is nothing more important than to let
people step forward to do the things that interest them, and which
they are good at. Not everything can be done by just one person, and
nothing should be either. I was not around at the times of elections
last year, so as a *newbie* I find it reassuring that someone who's
gone through the whole process of organizing those is still here this
year and can give "inside" kind of input.


> I think we needed to keep a core of organisers to run the elections, and
> a core must be small to be workable. I thought of 3 to 4 people. We
> finally have 4 people and this is a good number. Britty was asked to
> help though she did not volunteer, because of her skills on managing
> translations and her easiness to communicate (plus, she is a woman :-)).

 I am glad Britty agreed, for indeed she has proven her value in that
task on many many occasions.

> Second, I know Sj will participate in his way even if he is not in the
> list of organisers. I know he will ask questions. To ask these
> questions, it is actually best that he is not in the team. Sj is great
> (imho) but I do not think organising the elections would be his best
> work. He holds a different inner truth. Which has more to do with
> creativity, energy, cheerfulness.

And he has proved that already, by questioning and answering this
thread and its clone). We ned to talk about the good food though. /me
thinks it's really the wine that does the trick ;)

> Third because Sj is already busy with other things, such as the Quarto.
> Hopefully, the issue number 3 will be out before the elections and Sj is
>   extremely important here. Aphaia will already not be so much
> available, removing another pillar would not have been wise.

An we need him for Wikimania also, he can't be everywhere ;-).

This said, I wish tons of courage to those who have volunteered to
coach those elections, as I believe (but can only imagine) this is no
small task.



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