[Foundation-l] Fwd: [Wikimediafr-l] donations

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Feb 27 21:53:20 UTC 2005

Yann Forget wrote:

>Can someone answer him ?
>From: Dean Rivando <deanrivando (at) yahoo . ca>
>Hi there,
>I would like to donate, but I will only do so if I receive a tax credit in
> Canada. Can you please advise me whether you have charitable status with the
> Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and whether donations made in Canada are
> tax deductible.
This is not available, and it could be a long while before it is.  
Canadian tax relief for foreign donations applies only in limited 
circumstances.  One of those might be if you have US source income.  For 
practical purposes getting tax relief in Canada depends on having an 
organization that is registered as a charity in Canada.  Part of the 
application process includes submitting  a recent financial statements, 
and that can't be done until there's an organization.  Once the 
organization is registered the donated funds must be used to support 
Canadian operations.

There are circumstances where a Canadian structiore would be beneficial, 
but an organization would be needed first, and I haven't seen much 
interest expressed in that.


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